LotNum,Title,Description,LowEst,HighEst,StartPrice 49,"ANONYMOUS ARTIST October Revolution! 1927","Chitay knigi ob oktyabr'skoy revolyutsii! Beri knigi v biblioteke. [Read books about the October Revolution! Borrow books from the library.], a poster by anonymous artis. 1927 27,2 x 20,8 in.",$600,$800,$600 46,"Tarkhov M. Read the magazine c 1925","Chitayte zhurnal Tekhnika i zhizn' [Read the ""Tech and Life"" magazine], a poster by Tarkhov M. c 1925 27 x 39,5 in.",$1500,$2500,$1500 38,"ANONYMOUS ARTIST Figures of world cooperation c 1921","Deyateli mirovoy kooperatsii [Figures of world cooperation], a poster by anonymous artis. Published by All-Russian Central Union of Consumer Societies. c 1921 21 x 27,9 in.",$500,$700,$500 62,"ANONYMOUS ARTIST The structure of exports... c 1930","Struktura eksporta SSSR v 1928-1929 [The structure of exports of the USSR in 1928-1929], a poster by anonymous artist. Published by the All-Union Western Chamber of Commerce. c 1930 27,4 x 36,5 in.",$800,$1200,$800 39,"Cheremnykh M. Labor mutual assistance with inventory, 1921","Trudovaya vzaimopomoshch' inventarem [Labor mutual assistance with inventory], a poster byMikhail Cheremnykh (1890-1962, People's Artist of the Russian Federation). Published by Gosudarstvennoye izdatel'stvo, Moscow 1921. 41,25 x 27,85 in.",$800,$1200,$800 2,"Mukhina V. People are powerless without union, 1919","Massa bez ob""yedineniya bessil'na, ob""yedineniye bez znaniya bespolezno. [ People are powerless without union, union without knowledge is useless. ], a poster by Vera Mukhina.  Published by All-Russian Central Union of Consumer Societies, Moscow 1919. 27,2 x 21 in.",$500,$700,$500 69,"Baskin L. Konstantinov F. Will be branded with shame, 1931","Sryvayushchikh promfinplan zaklemim pozorom. [Those who disrupt the industrial financial plan will be branded with shame], a poster by Fedor Konstantinov (03/17/1910 - 07/08/1997) and Lev Baskin (06/21/1908). Published by OGIZ-ISOGIZ, Moscow 1931. 105 х 70 cm.",$1500,$2500,$1500 54,"Lavinskiy A. Subscription is open. 1928","GOSIZDAT RSFSR. Literaturno-khudozhestvennyye zhurnaly. Otkryta podpiska. [GOSIZDAT RSFSR. Literary and art magazines. Subscription is open. ], a poster by A. Lavinskiy. Published by OGIZ, Moscow-Leningrad, 1928 28,3 x 42 in.  ",$800,$1200,$800 18,"RADAKOV, A. Chains of slavery, 1920","Znaniye razorvet tsepi rabstva [Knowledge will break the chains of slavery], a poster by Alexei Radakov (1872-1942). 1920. 89,5 x 61 cm.",$3000,$5000,$3000 19,"Kochergin, N. Long live the Red Army! 1920","Da zdravstvuyet Krasnaya Armiya! [Long live the Red Army!],  a poster by Nikolai Kochergin (1897-1974, Meritorious Artist of the Russian Federation).  Published by PUR RVSR (the Political Directorate of the Revolutionary Military Council), 1920 41,5 x 28 in.",$3000,$5000,$3000 22,"MOOR, D. 7 verst long train, c 1920","Dlya Povolzh'ya. Tserkovnyye tsennosti. Poyezd dlinoyu v 7 verst. [For the Volga region. Church values. 7 verst long train], a poster by Dmitry Moor (Dmitry Orlov, 1883-1946, Meritorious Art Worker of the Soviet Union) and Sergey Senkin (1894 - 1963). c 1920 24 x 13.8 in.  ",$500,$700,$500 24,"Kochergin, N. Vrangel is Coming! 1920","Vrangel' idet! K oruzhiyu, proletarii! [Vrangel is Coming! To Arms, Proletarians!], a poster by a poster by Nikolai Kochergin (1897-1974, Meritorious Artist of the Russian Federation). Published by Gosudarstvennoe Izdatelstvo 1920 27.6 x 21 in.",$2500,$3500,$2500 41,"Kogout, N. Antanta is preparing a new campaign, 1921","Antanta gotovit novyy pokhod. Smotri v oba. [Antanta is preparing a new campaign. Be cautious.], a poster by Nikolay Kogout. Published by Lit. izd. otd. Polit. upr. RVSR, 1921 27.9 x 17.5 in.",$2000,$3000,$2000 6,"SPASSKY, K. A great battle is coming... 1919","Gryadet velikaya bitva ... [A great battle is coming...], a poster by Konstantin Spassky. Published by VTsIK Publishing, Moscow, 1919. 27.7 x 20.6 in.",$1500,$2500,$1500 7,"DENI, V. Antanta. 1919","Pokhod na SSSR! Na zashchitu SSSR! [Antanta.], a poster by Viktor Deni (Viktor Denisov, 1893-1946, Meritorious Art Worker of the RSFSR). Published by Lit. izd. otd. Polit. upr. RVSR, 1919. 21 x 27.9 in.",$2500,$3500,$2500 8,"MOOR, D. Who is against Soviet. 1919","Kto protiv sovetov. [Who is against Soviet.], a poster by Dmitry Moor (Dmitry Orlov, 1883-1946, Meritorious Art Worker of the Soviet Union) and Sergey Senkin (1894 - 1963). Published by Lit. izd. otd. Polit. upr. RVSR, 1919 29 x 21.9 in.  ",$1200,$1800,$1200 10,"MOOR, D. For the Workers' and Peasants' Revolution, 1919","Ty prolivayesh' krov' za rabochuyu i krest'yanskuyu revolyutsiyu. Rabochiye i krest'yane lisheny vsego, chto im nuzhno, oni snimayut rubashku so spiny. Beregite to, chto vam dali! [You spill blood for the Workers' and Peasants' Revolution. Workers and peasants are deprived of all they need, they give the shirt off their backs. Protect what they have given you!], a poster by Dmitry Moor (Dmitry Orlov, 1883-1946, Meritorious Art Worker of the Soviet Union) and Sergey Senkin (1894 - 1963). Published by Lit. izd. otd. Polit. upr. RVSR, 1919 28 x 21 in.  ",$700,$900,$700 74,"CHEREMNYKH, M. Godless front!. 1932","Da zdravstvuyet mezhdunarodnyy proletarskiy bezbozhnyy front! [Long live the international proletarian godless front!], a poster by Mikhail Cheremnykh (1890-1962, People's Artist of the Russian Federation). Published by OGIZ - IZOGIZ, Moscow - Leningrad, 1932. 85,8 x 55,7 cm.",$1500,$2500,$1500 11,"MOOR, D. Enemy 1919","Vrag neset rabstvo, golod i smert'! [The enemy brings slavery, hunger and death!], a poster by Dmitry Moor (Dmitry Orlov, 1883-1946, Meritorious Art Worker of the Soviet Union). Published by PUR RVSR (the Political Directorate of the Revolutionary Military Council). Moscow, 1919. 102,6 x 71 cm.",$4000,$6000,$4000 32,"Kogout, N. The proletarians of all countries - unite! 1920","Proletarii vsekh stran soyedinyaytes'! [ The proletarians of all countries - unite! ], a poster by Nikolay Kogout. Published by PUR RVSR (the Political Directorate of the Revolutionary Military Council). 1920 60 х 82,8 cm.",$800,$1200,$800 57,"DENI, V. Remember the families of prisoners of capitalism, 1928","Pomni o sem'yakh uznikov kapitalizma [ Remember the families of prisoners of capitalism ], a poster by Viktor Deni (Viktor Denisov, 1893-1946, Meritorious Art Worker of the RSFSR). Published by MOPR USSR, 1928 53,2 х 70 cm.",$800,$1200,$800 77,"ZERNOVA, E. Ski agitation race! 1932","Lyzhnyy agitprobeg! [ Ski agitation race! ], a poster by Ekaterina Zernova (1900-1995, Meritorious Artist of the RSFSR). Published by IZOGIZ, Moscow, 1932. 51,5 х 34,5 cm.",$500,$700,$500 35,"APSIT, A. International, c 1920","Internatsional. [International], a poster by Alexander Apsit (1880-1944). VTsIK Publishing, Moscow, c 1920. 70,8 x 107 cm.",$1000,$1500,$1000 89,"LIVANOVA, V. KEEP THE POWDER DRY, COMRADE!, 1937.","Derzhi, tovarish, porokh sukhim! [Keep the Powder Dry, Comrade!], a poster by Vera Livanova (1910-1988) and Olga Eiges (1910-1996). Published by OGIZ-IZOGIZ, Moscow-Leningrad, 1937. 102.3 x 70.7 cm.",$2000,$3000,$2000 85,"SHUBINA, G. MOTHER IS AT PEACE, 1936","Kogda v kolkhoze khoroshiye yasli, spokoina mat’ i rebyonok schastliv [A Mother Is at Peace and a Child Is Happy when Kolkhoz Has a Good Nursery], a poster by Galina Shubina (1902–1980, Meritorious Artist of the Russian Federation). Published by OGIZ-IZOGIZ, Moscow–Leningrad, 1936. 94.5 x 61.5 cm.",$700,$900,$700 36,"MOOR, D. THE SOVIET TURNIP, 1920","Sovetskaya repka [The Soviet Turnip], a poster by Dmitry Moor (Dmitry Orlov, 1883-1946, Meritorious Art Worker of the Soviet Union). Published by Litizdat PUR, Moscow, 1920. 70 x 53 cm.",$1500,$2500,$1500 91,"KARACHENTSOV, P. ""WE WERE BORN"" 1937","Mi rozhdeni, chtob skazku sdelat’ bil’yu [We Were Born to Make a Fairy Tale Come True], a poster by Pyotr Karachentsov (1907-1998, Meritorious Artist of the RSFSR). Published by OGIZ -IZOGIZ, Moscow-Leningrad, 1937. 102.2 x 68.8 cm.",$1000,$1500,$1000